Welcome to the site of MEASUREMENT: Measurement Enthusiast Alliance to Systematically Use and Replicate Evidence to Minimize Erroneous & Negligent use of Tests.

We are a network of people committed to taking a long, hard look at what at present passes for “measurement” in psychology. We believe that at present, measurement instruments are labeled as “validated” without actual evidence of validity: whether they measure what they are supposed to measure.

In this network, we resolve to work on improving this. We reconsider the meaning of “measurement” when it concerns the human psyche, as well as what evidence of validity would look like.

One of the tools we developed to this end is the repository at https://operationalizations.com.

We have a WhatsApp group to share our experiences, as well as channels in the sharing.opens.science MatterMost instance (MatterMost is an open source alternative to Slack or Teams).

WhatsApp is for quick, ephemeral communication, whereas MatterMost is better suited for conversations that are more serious, take place over a longer period, and need e.g. threading or the retention of what’s being said. We’re not sure yet how this will work and how these channels will develop over time and relative to each other, but for now this seems a reasonable approach.

If you would like to join the WhatsApp group and/or MatterMost, you can contact one of the members of the network.